Monday, July 26, 2010


Since I strive to eat healthy, one thing I have learned is to eat smaller meals and have light snacks throughout the day. One of my favorites is dry roasted peas.

I did not know about them until I went to a farmers market that sold bulk nuts and grains. They've become a staple in our home. My husband is not a fan of cooked peas, but he'll snack on the peas no problem. He has also found his own version to love, wasabi peas! They have too much punch for me.

I usually buy my dry roased peas at Sprouts Farmers Market. Hope you find them and love them too!

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Vegan Cross Country

In late May, I visited family in Illinois. One major reason was because my younger brother got married.  While there, my parents scheduled family photos too.  It was a good trip.

(Photo shot by Maggie Medema Photography.  From left to right: Purple is my younger sister's family, Blue is my younger brother (he's the youngest of my siblings) and his new wife, Red are my parents, Green is my older brother and his wife and Pink is me, my hubby and 4 kids.)

Well, my parents, siblings and their spouses are all omnivores (I think maybe a couple of them are borderline carnivores), so before we came to visit, my mom consulted a co-worker, who's daughter is vegan, on what to make for vegan guests. So she gave my mom a package of Veggie Burger Mix.

To my surprise it was a great alternative to buying frozen veggie patties. The mix just needs water and 30 minutes to absorb the water, but after it's done it can be molded just like ground turkey or beef. We've used it for Veggie Loaf, Veggie Burgers on the grill, with pasta and I can imagine that there are more uses for it.

This is perfect for a transitioning vegetarian or vegan. And it's also great when you feel like joining a friend for grilling burgers. The flavor is very delicious!

When my family got back here to AZ, we immediately ordered more Veggie Burger Mix.